Tuesday, November 4, 2008

There once was a man from Peru...

After spending a month in Huaraz, in the mountains of Peru, I headed down to Trujillo, which is on the coast, for a couple of weeks of Spanish lessons. In addition to learning Spanish, I also taught some English classes (both basic and conversational), and took some surfing lessons in the nearby beach at Huanchaco. It was great fun, and a really good learning experience (including learning how to teach English! -- I found that limericks were a real hit with the conversation class!).

Right now I´m in La Paz, Bolivia, anxiously waiting to watch the election coverage tonight. I´m in a sweet hostel called The Adventure Brew Hostel, which is a brewery hostel. A dream come true! Oh yeah, and they also have CNN English, which is perfect for the election watch!


Anonymous said...

Hi Sean,
Love the pictures. You have an amazing ability to capture the culture wherever you travel. Keep updating and we'll keep reading an d viewing.

Unknown said...

That is one ugly dog.